Android cleaner app
Android cleaner app

android cleaner app

All Activites and Fragments, everything view related and user-facing is put into the layer. The presentation layer has a standard MVP structure.This is how this sample app is structured: Outer layers I've found that the most practical way to build Android apps with Clean is with the following approach. This is a general explanation so let me explain how should it look like specifically in Android and how exactly do I build apps using Clean. More general info about Clean Architecture can be found on this blog. That is the main benefit of Clean Architecture. This way you can have your business logic code that is easy to test, develop and maintain. This layer does not contain any framework specific code and you should be able to run it without an emulator.

android cleaner app

This is where you actually solve the problem you want to solve building your app. The most important layer is the business logic layer. The purpose of the presenter/controller layer is to act as a connector between your business logic and framework specific code. Framework specific code includes every line of code that is not solving your problem, this includes all Android stuff like creating activities and fragments, sending intents, and more general code like networking code and databases. The implementation layer is where everything framework specific happens. It can have an arbitrary amount of layers but for most applications there are 3 layers: The outer layers of the onion depend on the inner layers but the opposite is not true. In Clean, code is separated into layers in an onion shape. You are free to download it, modify it, fork it and do anything you want with it. Clicking on a summarized cost should display details of all costs for that day.Displaying a list of summarized costs day by day.Adding, editing and deleting a cost with a date, category, description and amount.It is a simple app with core features that include: A sample cost-tracker app that showcases my Clean architecture approach to build Android applications.

Android cleaner app