Macbook pro 2015 upgrade
Macbook pro 2015 upgrade

Apple still offers limited service and parts for these devices, though this is sometimes subject to local laws and regulations.

macbook pro 2015 upgrade

If you have a vintage device, you are not totally ineligible for service. Vintage devices are devices that have not been sold by Apple in more than five years, but less than seven years. Apple currently has four stages of service eligibility: in warranty, out of warranty, vintage and obsolete. In fact, they can often last so long that Apple cannot keep maintaining their hardware.

macbook pro 2015 upgrade

Luckily for Apple users, Apple devices often last for years due to a high standard of build quality. I still haven’t had a smartwatch last longer than two years. Having a device last forever is a nice problem to have.

Macbook pro 2015 upgrade